Transformers: Earth Wars
Transformers: Earth Wars
Transformers: Earth Wars is a mobile game by Space Ape Games/Backflip Studios with a storyline written by Simon Furman, which means plenty of Furmanisms. The aim of the game is to assemble an army and build a fortress, then try to defend your base while destroying the enemy's. Essentially, Transformers meets Clash of Clans, without Hog Riders. The setting is Generation 1.
- Warriors are armored front line melee fighters that rush into enemy defenses to open up the attack and protect other bots, but they have the lowest Damage per second (DPS). Warriors generally have a speed of 1.7, but some are slightly faster.
- Aerial units deal the highest DPS at a short range and can perform powerful airstrikes on single targets from great distances, but have low health. All air units have a speed of 2.
- Gunners shoot over walls and bombard large areas with their abilities from long range. like the Air units, they're deadly but vulnerable. All gunners have a speed of 1.8.
- Medics heal and support other bots in battle. They are only a few medics in the game, and they aren't durable themselves, so keep them in the back. Medics have a speed of 2.6.
- Special bots are highly individualized fighters with unique capabilities. This class incorporates leaders, scouts, and deployers.
- Combiners are a special class that must be summoned individually. They deal massive amounts of damage, but can only stay on the battlefield for so long. Their three abilities do not use ability points, but have cooldown times.
Alliances are the primary way to gain access to bots firsthand via events. Your alliance can also compete in Alliance Wars to determine who is better, and to see who comes up top! Compete in Alliance wars to gain resources, league promotions, and bragging rights!
You can join with other players in an alliance, or you can create your own for 15,000 Alloy! There are many notable alliances within the community! The most notable alliances are:
- Always Hostile
- Primus / Primus Comman
- Mayhem Attack Squad
- TF Psy-Ops (Is #1 in Leaderboard Events)
- Synergy
A player must have Level 4 Headquarters or higher to join an Alliance, and up to 40 people can be in an Alliance.
- Alloy- A metal substance used to upgrade buildings and walls.
- Energon- Energon is used to upgrade buildings, upgrade Bots' special abilities, and to perform research on Bots to make them stronger.
- Ore-13- A potent substance used to activate Combiners.
- Spark- Obtained from holographic summons in the Space bridge and Event rewards, Spark is used to upgrade Bots' abilities. Special Spark can be received from Combiner team bots.
- Crystal Shards- Also the result of Holographic summons and events, shards are use to create powerful crystals to summon high star rating Bots.
- Cybercoin- Premium currency used for instantly obtaining resources and crystals.
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